Nandos George's Recent Blogs

My blogs are private just to my fan club members! I can write dirty fantasies or keep you updated about my life with my blogs.

Being outside the house Date: Jul 19th @ 11:15pm EDT
Franz Kafka Date: Jul 19th @ 1:15am EDT
Living in Berlin, Franz Kafka every day stroll in the Park. There he one day met a little girl who lost the doll and was crying loudly. Kafka offered to help her in the search to meet at the same place the next day. The doll of the famous writer, of course, is not found. But brought written from her face the letter. "Please don't be upset with my absence, was read aloud to the writer. â€" I went on a journey to see the world. I will write you about all my adventures." The next few weeks they met in the Park, and the writer read the girl's letter, in which the doll paints described your trip. Soon Kafka had a worsening of tuberculosis, and he needed to go to a sanatorium in Vienna. Before this trip, which writer's latest, Kafka met with the girl and gave her the doll. She was totally not like that that girl was once lost. But it came with a note: "Travel changed me."
Pretend that you're good Date: Jul 16th @ 10:57pm EDT
Pretend that you're good.
Smile, to love.
If the friend has betrayed the left
Be sure to the spiritual power.
If you came home broken
And cried in an empty apartment,
Know that will soon subside the sadness and the pain,
If true spiritual power.
Don't tell me what to do! Date: Jul 12th @ 10:53pm EDT
There is only Date: Jul 8th @ 9:47pm EDT
There is only one form of intimacy, which does not inhibit the development of the personality and does not cause contradictions and loss of energy is a Mature love; with this term I denote the full intimacy between two people, each of which retains full independence and a sense separateness. Love truly does not cause conflicts and does not lead to energy loss, because it combines two deep human needs: closeness and independence.
But what is it? Date: Jul 5th @ 9:57pm EDT
But what is it? The wind suddenly swooped down and flew; the air trembled round: it is not thunder? You get out of the ravine... what a lead strip on the horizon? The heat there gets denser? If a cloud is coming? But the weak flash of lightning... uh, Yes, it's a storm! Around still the sun shines brightly: hunt is still possible. But the storm-cloud grows; its front edge is extended by a sleeve, leans arch. Grass, bushes, everything suddenly went dark... Soon! there, it seems, is seen in the hay barn... hurry... You ran, walked...
What is the rain? What is lightning? Somewhere through the thatched roof dripped water on the fragrant hay... But here is the sun again began to play. The storm had passed; you go out. My God, how fun sparkles all around, as the air is fresh and liquid, the smell of strawberries and mushrooms!..
You can become Date: Jul 4th @ 10:18pm EDT
You can become a "love magnet", attracting partners, without any effort. You ask, how? For business or pleasure. The actions which brings pleasure, evoke the same psychological state as what we are experiencing when you are in a state of love. The trick is that when there's love, we leave joyful and give us the pleasure classes, but they make us even more attractive. To love and be loved â€" natural state, so we don't have to do to find love. Once you do remove obstacles in your life will definitely appear love.
We think of ourselves Date: Jun 27th @ 12:32am EDT
We think of ourselves, that we are all involved in this love: each of us loves something, someone... But it's not a love that expects us to Christ?.. From an endless amount of events and people we choose related to us, include them in your expanded "I am" and love them. But they should move a little bit away from what we have elected them, as we will solem on them a full measure of hatred, contempt, at best - indifference. This is human, carnal, natural feeling, are often very valuable in this world, but lose its sense in the light of eternal life. It is fragile, easily turns into its antithesis, takes a demonic character.
Never say Date: Jun 24th @ 8:55pm EDT
Never say:"I love you!" If you really don't feel it... Never talk about feelings if they are there... Never hold my hand if your gonna break my heart... Never say, about our future, because it is then just words... Never look into my eyes, if they lie... Never say Hello to me, if you want to say goodbye... Never say hurts me, I know I'll be alone...v
Hi guys I'm glad Date: Jun 21st @ 10:17pm EDT
Hi guys I'm glad to see you all in my room and I think you just glad to see me now I started again to lose weight and think my body is very good will be seen the relief the beauty of my body .

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